Accidental Ricotta Music Video


Do you ever make your own ricotta? It is so simple and so satisfying. The milk and cream smell like a little slice o’ heaven when they are warming over the stove and then you get this really luxuriously creamy cheese that you can use over pasta with lightly sautéed veggies, or put on pizza, or, my predicatble FAVORITE, set it out in a simple serving dish with a spreader and a baguette. Maybe set some lox or even caviar next to it.

I accidentally captured a video of myself making ricotta at Seed Bakery in Pasadena when I was shooting a time-lapse of Josey Baker’s bread workshop, so I’m getting a little mileage out of the footage and having some fun. Watch, learn.

3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

Bring the cream, milk and salt to 190 degrees, or a light boil. Set the pot aside. Gently add your lemon juice and let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Strain through the cheesecloth.

I made a second batch of ricotta shortly after this video was shot and I served it with a loaf of Lodge Bread during our Thanksgiving dinner. If you live in LA, get thee to Lodge Bread Co. in Culver City. Stat.


This was the view from Thanksgiving. Who says LA is all freeways and smog?!


4 thoughts on “Accidental Ricotta Music Video

    1. Bahahaha. You do cheese puns now?
      To do the time-lapse you get a special accessory for the Cannon which prompts the camera to take a picture at programmable intervals for any length of time. So fun.


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